Join in to preserve nature!
Our association is based on volunteers. Therefore we are happy about any support. Just contact us via our contact form. These possibilities exist:
## School Forest Ambassadors
Giving lectures at schools and/or looking after stands at public events in your city on the subject of the forest
- Objective: To make the association "School Forests for West Africa e.V." more well-known
- Scope of work: according to your/your possibilities
- Place of work: in your city and/or surroundings
## School partnerships
Become a partner school of the project and be especially connected to a project school in Germany
- Objective: Pupils from the partner schools exchange information about ESD topics and the SDGs in order to be sensitized for environmental protection and global learning. Through small fundraising activities, students support planting activities, the solar lamp project, and the nursery project in Ghana.
Examples: Letter/e-mail friendships, documenting nature observations in the four seasons for sending it to the partner school in Ghana, working on the same materials in both countries (see "Global Learning"), becoming multipliers for the topic at school, in the village/town, using theme days (Forest Day, Tree Day etc.) as occasions for actions,...
- Scope of work: weekly
- Place of work: school
## Internships and workaway
Cooperation in the Youth and Environmental Club in Nyakrom/Swedru
- Goal: Getting to know the activities on site and practical assistance
- Time: several weeks
- Place: Swedru/Nyakrom (Central Region, Ghana)
## Donate
The association lives from donations. Currently we are looking especially for people who invest in solar lamps, which in turn are made available to students in Ghana who are involved in tree care.
Another current project is the construction of an environmental education centre in Agona Nyakrom. You can participate in this via the betterplace platform.
Thank you very much for your support!
Report by Linda, a former volunteer in Ghana (2017)
"On my arrival in Ghana I was warmly welcomed by Henry Bondzie, he is the head of the NGO "Youth & Environment Club", with whom I am working for one year in Agona Swedru and surroundings. I also got to know Dr. Sam Essiamah from the association "Schulwälder für Westafrika e.V." in Germany and I felt very well taken care of in Ghana and with my host family.
During the next days I explored my new place of residence and learned about my tasks in the project. I am supposed to visit our 30 partner schools regularly to check the progress of the trees already planted and to motivate the responsible teachers to fill in questionnaires about the solar lamps. This task was a little exhausting, travelling alone as a young woman to unknown African villages, but fortunately I knew that another volunteer would come in a few weeks to support me. So I also looked for other tasks, such as creating a club logo or a facebook page.
Together with the work in the tree nursery, picking weeds or replanting trees, the volunteer service is very exciting and varied. More and more interested teachers come to us, who also want trees at their school and therefore we continue to distribute seedlings to new schools. It is great to see the progress of the growing trees and I am very happy to be able to contribute to environmental protection.
We are currently busy planning an environmental conference to be held in June in the context of World Environment Day, to which we plan to invite students and teachers from our partner schools to provide information on current issues such as climate change, recycling, composting & soil".