November 30, 2024
Newsletter 2/2024
Please find our second newsletter of 2024 here.
School Forests for West Africa e.V. - Newsletter 02_2024_ENG.pdf
June 30th, 2024
Current status of donations and association activities
Time and again, our association receives numerous donations from private individuals and companies who would like to support our work in Ghana. Sometimes they are large amounts, sometimes very small - we greatly appreciate every contribution! Sometimes we even receive these donations anonymously so that we are unable to say thank you. We would therefore like to take this opportunity to thank all those who are so convinced of our work and support it with their financial commitment! Thank you very much! Without you, many things would not be possible!
With the help of donations, various other partnerships and support relationships have also emerged from our association's work. For example, a former intern took on a sponsorship for a school, which he has been supporting in various ways ever since, most recently with jerseys for the school's soccer team and funding for tree planting. Other members of the association support individual pupils financially throughout their time at school, enabling them to have a largely carefree education. Some companies support individual schools, e.g. by building solar, sanitary and leisure facilities, thus ensuring sustainable school life. German partner schools have also enabled trees to be planted in schoolyards, solar lamps to be purchased, digital equipment to be bought for a school and a well to be built at a partner school. We are very pleased about this support for our work, which has enabled us to build up a wider network of German-Ghanaian connections.
The project "School forests for West Africa - planting trees in schoolyards" was initiated by Dr. Sam Essiamah thirty years ago, and our association was founded in 2000. We have achieved a lot in that time! Numerous pupils have now been able to plant a number of trees in their schoolyards in Ghana, thereby contributing to the reforestation of the rainforest and climate protection. We have also been able to arrange school partnerships between German and Ghanaian schools. The partner schools are now able to interact with each other not only in analog form (writing letters), but also virtually.
Our mode of operation also changed during this period: Initially, Dr. Sam Essiamah, founder of the association and 1st Chairman, traveled to Ghana every year to oversee the continuation of the projects and deliver the letters from the respective school classes. This is no longer possible to the full extent, both due to the pandemic years and for reasons of age. However, the pandemic has also opened up new opportunities for us: we have now started to establish direct contact between the partner schools, which will communicate with each other via Zoom/WhatsApp/Email/Skype etc. from now on. This exchange takes place at both teacher and student level. In many cases, this exchange still needs to be properly established, but it is a learning-by-doing process and everyone involved is very happy about the opportunities for direct contact. As an association team, we provide support with online meeting workshops whenever this is desired. However, despite all efforts to establish contact on an equal footing, this is never fully possible, as visits from Germany to Ghana are possible, but visits from Ghana to Germany are not. This is mainly due to the difficult financial situation in Ghana, but above all to Germany's non-transparent visa policy. We are noticing colonial continuities here and need to find a way of dealing with them.
We have also started a major new project in Ghana that Dr. Sam Essiamah has always wanted: All the activities and accumulated knowledge of recent years are to be pooled within an international environmental education center near Nyakrom. Specifically, this is a site where endangered plants can grow and where both farmers and school classes from the surrounding area can come to learn more. This is a very large project, but it can only progress on a small scale: We started with the construction of a house, into which a janitor will soon move, who in turn will have the expertise to look after the grounds and the groups that arrive. The construction of the house also included the drilling of a well with a pump and a solar system on the roof. The Youth and Environment Club is in charge of the project on site, and inquiries are being made about cooperation with other institutions that have even more personnel resources. We will continue to report on this project.
The association currently has three main areas of work: the establishment of the international environmental education center, the tree planting (which, however, is rather partial, as fortunately many schoolyards have already been planted) and the relaunch of the school partnerships. All of this is organized by a very small team of volunteers: In Germany, the association has around 20 members, 4-8 of whom can get involved in the practical work. This includes coordinating the school partnerships, managing the website and social media, administering donations, writing funding applications, maintaining contact with local Göttingen institutions, attending events, etc. In Ghana, our partner association, the Youth and Environment Club, has 3 members who, like the volunteers in Germany, also carry out all tasks alongside their full-time jobs. In view of the relatively small number of members, we have to keep reminding ourselves that all projects are not progressing as quickly as would perhaps be desirable, but that every small step nevertheless contributes to a healthier environment and a harmonious exchange between different cultures.
We hope that this report has given you a good insight into our current work. We look forward to your reactions, questions and comments at .
December 22nd, 2023
Review of the year 2023: Thank you for your support!
Another year with many activities has come to an end. We can look back on numerous moments of commitment: many pupils, teachers, donors and volunteer association members have worked tirelessly in Ghana and Germany to protect nature, preserve the rainforest and spread environmental knowledge. We would like to thank you all very much! Without your support, our organisation's work would not have been possible.
We are now pleased to present our ANNUAL REPORT 2023. In it, you will find a detailed overview of all our activities this year. We will publish illustrative photos here soon.
We wish you and your families happy holidays and a happy new year 2024!
September 30th, 2023
Travel impressions from Ghana
Association member Anna travelled to Ghana in August and September. She was also able to follow up on our association's work: "Meeting local partners strengthens the success of our work: During our visit to schools in Nyakrom, Swedru, Bawjiase and Breman Asikuman in Ghana, we were able to discuss joint projects and make plans for the future." She also gained an insight into our latest project: "We are making great progress: we are building an environmental education centre in Nyakrom! The solar panels are already on the roof, the water pump has been installed and the garden for endangered herbs and plants will be set up soon. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our supporters (e.g. via Betterplace) and the Nds. Bingo-Umweltstiftung for their support so far! Your commitment makes the project grow!"
June 9th, 2023
Report about Ghana Green Day by Henry Bondzie, representative of Youth and Environment Club Ghana (cooperation partner of "Schulwälder für Westafrika") :
"On 9th of June, 2023, Ghana joined the rest of the World in commemorating the UN day for the environment. Even though the day falls on the 5th of June every year, the government shifted this year’s celebration to the 9th of June for conveniency sake. Since 2020 the government of Ghana has undertaken a revolutionary tree planting agenda aimed at restoring the forest cover which has been lost over the years.
It is estimated that about 30 million seedlings has been planted since the launch of the GREEN GHANA DAY IN 2020. The government in its recent reports pegs the success rate at 70% and this to me is not a bad one.
As an association whose main objective is the planting of trees, we have joined the government in our own small way every year to commemorate the day with the government.
Our association over the years has seen to the planting of beautiful trees such as Casia, mahogany, Teak, Odum, Ofram, Albezia Lebek on many school compounds which has provided not only shade for the school kids to play under during breaks but also beautified the schools and served as wind breaks.
This year, our association planted 350 seedlings in four different schools in the Agona East District of the Central region on the 9th of June as part of the celebration of the Green Ghana Day commemoration. The schools are, Kwanyako Moethodist Basic school, Kwanyako S.D.A Primary school, Kwanyako Islamic Basic School and Kwanyako S.D.A JHS."
May/June 2023
School visits by Dr. Sam Essiamah
One of the regular activities of our association is the school visits by Dr. Sam Essiamah: He informs the pupils and teachers about the projects in Ghana in an age-appropriate way depending on the class level. In the subsequent discussion, there is the opportunity to ask questions. The pupils are very happy to use this opportunity to learn more about their partner schools and the possibilities of global environmental protection.
Recent visits have included the Otto Hahn School in Wunstorf and the Anna-Sophianeum Grammar School in Schöningen:
April 14, 2023
Partnership meeting of the project schools in Ghana and Germany
Some school cooperations have existed for years, others were newly established: During an online meeting, all current contact persons of the schools involved in the activities of "Schulwälder für Westafrika e.V." and the "Youth and Environment Club" met to talk about common interests, goals and activities of the respective partnerships. From photo exchanges, email friendships, workshops on the environment and culture to joint planting activities and a physical student visit to both countries, many plans were made. In particular, the direct, uncomplicated contact strongly motivated the participating teachers and the team.
April 9, 2023
Happy Easter!
With these beautiful Easter greetings from the pupils of the primary school Am Sonnenbrink in Stadthagen to their Ghanaian partner school, the Breman Esiam Roman Catholic Primary School, we wish you all a Happy Easter!
December 30, 2022
Review of the year 2022
Dear friends and supporters,
A successful year is coming to an end. We would like to give you a brief overview of the association's activities in 2022 and thank you very much for your commitment and donations!
The team of Schulwälder für Westafrika e.V.
December 1st, 2022
Obituary: Our long-time friend and supporter Dr. Jörg Rengel
At the end of November 2022 we received the sad news of the decease of Jörg Rengel. Deeply saddened, we remember the great and regular commitment of the study friend of our founder Dr. Sam Essiamah to our association.
Seven years ago (September 2015), Dr. Essiamah told Dr. Rengel about his project "Planting trees in schoolyards in Ghana" at a meeting of former residents of the student dormitory in Göttingen. He was immediately enthusiastic about it and showed great interest. At first he supported our association with donations.
When Dr. Essiamah referred St. Mary's Basic School in Agona Abodom to him as a partner school in Ghana in 2017, Dr. Rengel supported many of the school's projects with his donations. Among other things, the school was able to buy footballs and jerseys. Thus, the school children won a cup for the first time in this year 2022, which Dr. Essiamah presented to them during his stay in Ghana from June to September when he visited the school. During that time he collected a lot of information about the school, which he wanted to present to his friend in a report. Unfortunately, this did not happen. In November, Dr Rengel initiated the purchase of a beamer for his partner school, which is now being shipped to Ghana.
As a thank you for their great support, the students planted the "Jörg Rengel Forest", where they also plant coconut trees as a crop because of the biodiversity.
After the news of the death of their great supporter, the school in Ghana immediately held a memorial service with a minute's silence.
We thank Dr. Jörg Rengel for his many years of commitment to our association and will honour his memory.
July 15, 2022
Award for partner schools by Lower Saxony’s Minister of Education
The “Lower Saxony Schools WITH Africa” network has created a unique platform by schools for schools to promote successful school partnerships in African countries. We are very pleased that three partner schools of “Schulwälder für Westafrika e.V”. belong to the network: the Primary School Am Sonnenbrink in Stadthagen, the Otto Hahn School in Wunstorf and the Wilhelm Busch Gymnasium in Stadthagen.
More information here: Kultusminister Tonne zeichnet Schulen im Netzwerk „Niedersächsische Schulen MIT Afrika“ aus | Nds. Kultusministerium (
June 29, 2022
Review first half of 2022
So quickly the first six months of the year have passed.... Time for an update! A lot has happened:
- The students of the Wilhelm-Busch-Gymnasium (WBG) in Stadthagen are always involved in various fundraising and information campaigns for the work of the association.
- The students of the Bawjiase Senior High School (partner school of the WBG) planted numerous trees on Ghana Green Day in June.
- In April, we presented ourselves at a lecture series of the Göttingen Environment and Nature Conservation Centre (GUNZ), of which we are a member. This resulted in great new encounters, including with a student in Ghana who immediately organised a planting action on the campus in Accra.
- In June, we were present at the climate market in Göttingen. Here, too, we made contacts and collected generous donations.
- For several months, a crowdfunding campaign has been running on betterplace for the establishment of the environmental education centre in Nyakrom. Recently, the building shell of the caretaker's flat could be completed, which is an important milestone. With the support of the Lower Saxony Bingo Environmental Foundation, we can start with the fencing of the compound and the construction of a solar-powered well. More information here.
- We have recently been able to start numerous cooperations, including with the company SHIFT GmbH, which is providing us with some equipment (Shiftphones) for a media project. Contacts, e.g. to the University of Göttingen or to the network "Lower Saxony Schools WITH Africa", help to bring the association's work closer to other target groups.
- We have recently become a member of the Association for Development Policy of Lower Saxony (VEN).
- Some school partnerships already have a long tradition, for example between the Schule am Habbrügger Weg from Ganderkesee and the Bisease Catholic Primary School and Junior High School. The pupils from Ganderkesee have even founded a school company and will be represented at the Ideas Expo in Hanover in July.
- As part of the "kulturweit" tandem programme, a participant from Ghana and a participant from Germany will develop a project together for three months. The Ghanaian participant will work at the WBG Stadthagen and the district forestry office.
- New school partnerships are in the making. More information will follow...
(Photos are available on our Instagram channel and Facebook page and soon here).
We are very happy that the network of the association "Schulwälder für Westafrika e.V." keeps growing: Many people invest their time, contacts and competences to report about reforestation, sustainability, climate protection and our related projects and/or to set up actions. Others donate money or material resources. The circle of our supporters extends far beyond the participating schools. We appreciate this commitment very much! In this sense, we look forward to making a contribution to environmental protection and nature conservation together with you.
Preview: At the moment, our association founder and 1st chairman, Dr. Sam Essiamah, is in Ghana to accompany the current projects (including the establishment of a People's Forest in Ochiso). We will report in detail soon.
February 2nd, 2022
Langjährige Unterstützung / Long-time support
Since 2020, Prof. Rastin, a founding member of the association from Göttingen, and her brother Mahmoud have been supporting the "MAHMOUD RASTIN FOREST" at the BOBIKUMAS PRESBY BASIC SCHOOL in AGONA BOBIKUMA, their partner school of the association "Schulwälder für Westafrika e.V." in Ghana. To our great joy, she made it possible for the partner school to purchase six whiteboards and corresponding whiteboard markers before Christmas. On 23 November 2021, the headmaster, Mr. Oduro Kyereboah, received these teaching aids together with students and teachers. In the meantime, the whiteboards have been installed in the classrooms of grades 1 to 6.
They would like to thank Prof. Rastin for the generous donation and Dr. Sam Essiamah and the Youth and Environment Club for the realisation of the project. Now they are all very happy to be able to use the whiteboard markers. This way, the chalk dust in the classes no longer leads to illnesses of their respiratory tract.
The pupils and teachers also enjoy working with the environmental teaching and learning material provided to the school by our association. The headmaster also reports that the trees planted in the school forest MAHMOUD RASTIN FOREST, as well as the coconut tree, are developing well.
December 21, 2021
Frohe Weihnachten / Merry Christmas!
Despite the ongoing pandemic situation, we were able to get things moving again this year. In our annual report we have summarised all activities of the year 2021.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our supporters, partners, donors, friends and colleagues! Without your commitment, none of this would be possible!
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
P.S.: Another hint: If you are looking for a last-minute Christmas gift, you can donate to the association here and have a gift certificate issued with the name of the person receiving the gift. This doubles the Christmas joy!
September 4, 2021
Volunteer Award 2021 for Dr. Sam Essiamah
We are very happy: Dr. Sam Essiamah, founder of the association, was awarded the Volunteer Award 2021 in the category "Exceptional Commitment" by GoVolunteer! Congratulations on this honour and thank you for your tireless commitment to the rainforest in Ghana!
The award ceremony took place at Yaam in Berlin and you can watch the livestream here (especially minutes 21:00-31:30;) .

June 20, 2021
Klimamarkt in Göttingen / Climate market in Göttingen
Finally present on site again: On 19 June, we provided information about the association's activities at the Göttingen Climate Market. Many thanks to all who came by for the nice conversations and the generous donations, and many thanks to the organisational team of the city of Göttingen!
The Youth and Environment Club together with students of SWEDRU SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL and NYAKROM SENIOR HIGH TECH SCHOOL took part in the Ghana Green Day project where several tree species were planted on their school compounds. Before the planting we had about an hour and half conference with the students where they were taught the benefits of tree planting and the impact of climate change. Many thanks to Prof. Jerald Feinstein of USA, Dr Sam Essiamah, teachers and pupils of Otto Hahn high school in Wunstorf, Germany who took part in the virtual meeting. In all about 1000 seedlings were planted, it is our hope that after a year these seedlings will still be counted.
May 19, 2021
Schutz für Bäume und Freizeitmöglichkeiten für Schüler:innen / Protection for trees and leisure places for pupils
Thanks to a donation from ERPA Systems, the ERPA forest on the 650-foot Agona Asafo Catholic Basic School site has been fenced off to protect endangered tree species. Benches have also been installed so that students can make the most of the shade provided by the trees, e.g. during breaks, but without hindering growth. "School Forests for West Africa" and the Youth and Environment Club Nyakrom would like to thank ERPA for their generous support.
May 6, 2021
Neue Schulpartnerschaft begonnen! / New school partnership started!
The teachers and headmasters of Otto Hahn School Wunstorf and Nyakrom Senior High Technical School officially launched their cooperation with a virtual kick-off meeting. In the future, they want to exchange information regularly and start joint projects. As a first action, OHS is collecting football equipment as an incentive for pupils in Ghana to plant trees. In July, an online workshop with students from both schools is planned to sensitise the participants in a binational context for the protection of the environment and the preservation of the rainforest.
***These activities could also be an example for other partner schools. Please contact us, the coordination team, if you need support.***
March 16, 2021
Regenwaldschützer:innen des Monats / Rainforest Conservationists of the Month
Since 2007, there has been a partnership between the primary school Am Sonnenbrink in Stadthagen and the Breman Esiam Roman Catholic Primary School in the town of the same name in Ghana. In both countries, the pupils learn a lot about rainforest protection on project days or in workshops and plant trees in their respective schoolyards. Fundraising campaigns are also part of the long-standing cooperation.
"Abenteuer Regenwald" has now honoured the students of both schools as "Rainforest Protectors of the Month March 2021". We congratulate them on their enduring commitment! Dear students, you did a great job!
Here you can find all the information:
February 18, 2021
Lehrer:innenworkshop für Umweltbildungsmaterial / Teacher training for environment education materials
For many months, "Schulwälder für Westafrika e.V." and our partner association in Ghana "Youth and Environment Club" worked on materials for environmental education in Ghanaian schools. The pandemic situation delayed the completion and distribution, but now that the schools in Ghana are open again, the opportunity was immediately taken to present the newly developed material to the 16 project partners involved on Friday, 12 February 2021. The presentation took place in the framework of a one-day workshop, during which the teachers were able to familiarise themselves with the material in order to subsequently create a stronger awareness for the protection of the environment and nature in their respective schools. The material covers all relevant areas, such as nature conservation, waste disposal, water, energy, etc., in an age-appropriate manner. The association "Schulwälder für Westafrika e.V." would like to thank, as well as the "Youth and Environment Club", the generous support of the BINGO-UMWELTSTIFTUNG for this project.
The school at Habbrügger Weg (Förderzentrum Ganderkesee) from Lower Saxony also contributed to the workshop with a generous donation. Thanks to private donations, the event was enriched with the procurement of T-shirts with the logo of the "Youth and Environment Club" and face masks for the participating teachers as well as footballs for the schools. We would like to express our sincere thanks for this as well!
A Ghanaian newspaper report about the teachers' workshop for the project can be found at the link below:
December 22, 2020
Merry Christmas and a happy new year 2021!
A difficult year for all of us is finally coming to an end. Despite all, thanks to creative solutions and your continuous support we were able to achieve a lot this year:
We thank all members, partners and sponsors for their loyalty and great support! In this short film we have summarized the work of the association over the past 25 years:
And if you're still looking for a last-minute gift for Christmas, we can recommend a gift certificate! Just click here for an unrestricted donation or here for support in our solar lamp project.
We wish you happy and relaxing holidays and a happy new year, health and many happy hours with your loved ones!
November 14, 2020
Erfolgreicher Projekttag // Successful project day
Under the motto "Together for the rainforest", pupils* of the partner schools Wilhelm-Busch-Gymnasium in Stadthagen and Senior High School in Bawjiase spent a whole day together online: Videos shot in advance in which the pupils* introduced themselves and their school and home towns were the basis for a lively exchange in small groups during a video conference. Also on the programme was the playful learning of some words in German and Twi, as well as a cinematic input on the project "School Forests for West Africa e.V." and the global sustainability goals (SDGs). Dr. Sam Essiamah, founder and 1st chairman of the association, answered questions from interested pupils*. In the afternoon of the project day, the pupils* experienced how it is possible to gain insights into the world of peers in Germany/Ghana despite the geographical distance: The pupils* took a virtual tour of the city via video call, photos, videos and voice messages and discovered environmental problems and solutions together and then connected to the knowledge they had learned about the SDGs. When asked about their impressions of this digital exchange project, the Ghanaian and German pupils* expressed their enthusiasm in equal measure: "That was exciting.
The virtual city tour as well as further materials of the project can be found here.
The project was sponsored by Verband Entwicklungspolitik Niedersachsen (VEN) organizing weltwechsel-Aktionswochen. Thank you very much for the support!
November 8, 2020
Gemeinsam für den Regenwald / Together for the rainforest
Intercultural exchange day at two schools in Germany and Ghana
Environmental education knows no boundaries - thanks to virtual communication possibilities. Together with pupils* from the Wilhelm-Busch-Gymnasium in Stadthagen and the Senior High School in Bawjiase (Ghana) we are holding a workshop day on 14 November 2020 on the topic of rainforest conservation. With the help of interactive methods, we want to examine the topic from our respective perspectives and develop strategies for action. The programme includes intercultural learning activities and language animations, input on rainforest conservation and the Global Sustainability Goals (SDGs), a virtual city tour in Stadthagen and Bawjiase in search of environmental problems and solutions and the joint creation of a digital pinboard with photos, videos and podcasts to record the results.
This project is part of weltwechsel Niedersachsen - Gemeinsam Welt gestalten!, THE state-wide action weeks on global justice issues. Between 2 and 22 November, more than 40 associations, initiatives, institutions, collectives and individuals will organise over 50 different events in 18 cities and municipalities. These are thematically oriented towards global sustainability goals. The event is being coordinated by the Lower Saxony Development Policy Association. World Change is supported by the Lower Saxony BINGO Environmental Foundation, the Catholic Fund, Bread for the World and the Lower Saxony State Chancellery and is being implemented in cooperation with RENN.nord, the Lower Saxony State Agency for Civic Education and Oikocredit.
Due to the current corona situation, the pupils in Stadthagen take part in the exchange day exclusively online or in groups of two. In Ghana, the pupils gather at their school. After the event, the digital pinboard will be published on the website of the association "Schulwälder für Westafrika e.V.". ( as a result of the event.
October 12th, 2020
Ausbau der Solaranlagen / Extension of solar panels
Thanks to the support of Afri-Solar e.V., the London Odumto Association and Schulwälder für Westafrika e.V., the solar power supply at Nyakrom Senior High Technical School could be expanded. The mini-solar plant, which has now been commissioned on 16 September 2020, serves the school's community block, the dining hall, the home economics department, two girls' dormitories, the school kitchen and will soon be connected to the headmaster's bungalow.
Read more in this report.
Click on the pictures below to see more.
August 31st, 2020
Small move, great positive impact for forests and our climate - thank you for your donation!
We are very happy about the various donations we have received in the last months. Thanks to your help we can finance our tree planting projects, as we can cover any costs incurred. Although our tree nursery should be able to function in the long term by selling fruit trees, we are not yet at that point (due to the coronary crisis, among other things). So we are still happy about your support!
Even a small amount is enough: Each seedling costs about 2 Euro until it is planted (purchase, watering, transport costs, personnel, ...). We select tree species that belong to the natural forest stand of the planted area, e.g. Casia, Rain Tree, Montalis, Acasia, Milita, Mahogany, Albezia Lebek, Teak. In this way we contribute to the regeneration of the rainforest, which is suffering from progressive destruction. Forest protection is an elementary part of environmental and climate protection. Be part of it with your donation!
May 17, 2020
Neues aus der Baumschule in Nyakrom / News of the tree nursery in Nyakrom
Currently the schools in Ghana are closed due to the Corona crisis, but the work in our nursery continues to prepare everything for the return of the students* Since our nursery is financed by the sale of fruit trees, our gardener Sammy is currently planting coconut seedlings. After about three months they will be big enough to be sold. The money raised can in turn be used to finance part of the cultivation of various tree species, which the Youth and Environmental Club distributes free of charge to the more than 75 project schools in Ghana, so that the students can take care of the planting and maintenance as part of our reforestation and environmental education concept.
We are trying to make the nursery independent of donations in the long term, but have not yet fully achieved this goal. Therefore, please help with your donation to reforest the rainforest in Ghana and to preserve the biodiversity of our planet. Many thanks!
March 5, 2020
Großzügige Unterstützung durch den Brocken Marathon - DANKE! / Great support from the Brocken Marathon - THANK YOU!
"Schulwälder für Westafrika" is very grateful for the generous donation of the Brocken Marathon in the amount of 7500 Euro, which will benefit our reforestation projects in Ghana.
Weitere Infos hier / More infos here
February 28, 2020
Schulwälder goes Instagram
Hey, we're on Instagram now. From now on, you can find also there all the latest news from our projects as well as exciting environmental tips and join in actions! Follow us:
January 4th, 2020
Sam Essiamah, founder of "School forests for West Africa", appeals to Ghanaian government to promote tree planting in schools.
Sam Essiamah, Gründer von "Schulwälder für Westafrika", appelliert an die ghanaische Regierung, Baumpflanzungen an Schulen zu unterstützen.
Advent, advent... Our Christmas offer for you!
You are still looking for a nice Christmas gift? Dedicate your donation to your loved ones.
How does it work?
Support our association's project "Solar lamps for the reforestation of the rain forest"! You donate for solar lamps for Ghanaian students who plant trees. You will get a donation certificate with the name of the person for which you send the donation.
Sounds good? Here you go!
Last but not least: Discover our advent calendar while waiting for Christmas!
Weltumwelttag an der Bawjiase Senior High School
World Environmental Day at Bawjiase Senior High School
World environment day is celebrated on the 5th of June every year. It's a day set aside by the UN to create awareness on the environment and since it's inception has been the principal day for celebrating environmental issues and awareness.
This year, YALI Alumni led by Henry Bondzie and other partners including World Merit, GLOPA took the celebration to Bawjiase senior high school. There was a sensitization on the environment which basically centered on Air Pollution which was also the theme for this year and also on the SDGs. The team after the sensitization also led the school and the staff to plant about 100 seedlings on the campus.
Ausbau der Solarstromversorgung erfolgreich: Einrichtung einer Photovoltaik-Anlage an der NYASTECH
Expansion of solar power supply succesful: Installation of an photovoltaic system at the NYASTECH
The expansion of the solar power supply at the Nyakrom Secondary Technical School (NYASTECH) is making progress. As early as 2012, a photovoltaic system was installed at this school, which has around 1200 pupils, in cooperation with the ISC Konstanz and the Landesgymnasium für Hochbegabte (LGH) in Schwäbisch Gmünd to supply the computer centre with electricity. This project was supported by the Lower Saxony Lotto Foundation BINGO.
The aim of the follow-up project from 2017-2018 was to expand the NYASTECH facility, which was set up in 2012, in order to additionally supply the girls' hostel and a neighbouring school building with electricity. Since the girls' dormitory, unlike the boys' dormitory, is far away from the existing solar power system, the students have serious concerns about their safety during the frequent state power outages. In cooperation with "Afrisolar e.V." represented by Mr. Tobias Claus, "Schulwälder für Westafrika" (represented by Dr. Essiamah), Ghanaian company "Eng-Solutions" (represented by Mr. Otoo Addo) and Youth and Environment Club, a grid-connected solar system with batteries was installed at two facilities (girls' hostel and school building) at the Nyakrom Secondary Technical High School.
All representatives of the above-mentioned organisations were involved in the implementation of the previous project and had experience in the physical functioning and basic technology of the solar cell, in project management and in the planning and dimensioning of PV systems and could carry out the project independently. The owner of Eng Solutions, Mr. Otoo Addo, for example, set up his own solar system installation company. This project involved local PV professionals at the school who were trained during the first PV project in 2012. They can carry out simple maintenance work themselves and are thus available to solve problems.
The opening ceremony took place at the end of last year. Read more about the ceremony in this Ghana News Agency newspaper article.
Übergabe der Hygieneartikel an sechs Schulen in Nyakrom and Swedru. Dieses Projekt wurde finanziert von der Niedersächsischen BINGO-Umweltstiftung und durchgeführt durch den Youth and Environmental Club in Ghana.
Delivery of hygiene articles to six schools in Nyakrom and Swedru. This project was financed by the Lower Saxony Bingo environmental foundation and carried out by our south partner, the Youth and Environment Club in Ghana
In addition to tree planting on schoolyards and the improvement of learning conditions in schools, the promotion of hygiene measures is one of the goals of our association. With the support of Lower Saxony's BINGO Environmental Foundation, our partner in Ghana, the Youth and Environment Club, was able to distribute hygiene products at six schools in Ghana, supporting around 1,500 students in their daily hand washing routines. The primary goal of this project is to sensitize the children for the need of good hygiene in order to prevent the spread of infectious diseases such as cholera or typhus. A total of 48 buckets with taps and steel racks ("Veronica Buckets"), 48 bowls and 600 plastic cups were provided. Furthermore, in two schools, water pipes could be installed and, in addition, a polytank for rainwater collection for toilet flushing was set up at one of the two schools.
The project will now be continued on-site by Mrs. Brako, a member of the Ghanaian School Board and responsible for the Health Education Program. The Ghanaian government has given high priority to sanitary measures in schools and communities.
The project has been very well received so far and has also been accompanied by the National News Agency. Here is the report:
Newsletter und Neujahrswünsche / Newsletter and New Year's Wishes
Dear friends of our association,
It happened quite a lot this year... This newsletter will give you an overview of all our activities in 2018:
In addition, the chair persons of our association were honored during a ceremony in Ghana. You will find a newspaper article (Ghana News Agency) here and some pictures below this text:
Furthermore, we are very grateful for your support and would also be happy if you'd continue this. Find more information in this document:
Machen Sie mit - Solarlampen als Ansporn für Aufforstung - Ihr Beitrag zählt.pdf
Best wishes for 2019!
Danke, ERPA! Thank you, ERPA!
We would like to thank our sponsor ERPA systems from Germany. We couldn't have been successful if the company hadn't been supporting us throughout many years so far. Click here to find an overview of our recent projects: REPORT TO ERPA18-2.pdf
Below you can have a look at pictures of our project in 2018:
Schulwälder für Westafrika e.V. wünscht Ihnen allen frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes Neues Jahr! / School forests for West Africa e.V. wishes you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
Once again an exciting year draws to a close. Thanks to the numerous support many projects could be continued and new ones initiated. Among others, 10'000 trees were successfully planted by pupils at Ghanaian schools! The solar lamp project has been initiated and 750 lamps have already been distributed among the students.
We are immensely grateful for all the support during 2017 and hope to be able to continue our work successfully in 2018! We wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy New Year 2018!
Bingo-Umweltstiftung fördert Photovoltaik an Schule in Ghana / Bingo Environment Foundation supports photovoltaic system at Ghanaian school
School forests for West Africa e.V. will get 8000 Euro from the Lower Saxony Bingo Environment Foundation in order to enlarge the photovoltaic systems of the Nyakrom Senior High Technical School Ghana. Especially the girls on campus will benefit from the enlargement because they will henceforth have light in their residence hall. So far they couldn't learn in the evenings since it is too dangerous for them to go outside in the darkness to continue learning in a different building with more light.
The enlarged photovoltaic systems is providing stable electricity on a local level, therefore reducing power cuts to a minium and increasing the functioning of connected devices. This contributes to the school activities of this school with its 1200 students.
The Lower Saxony Bingo Environment Foundation (German name: Niedersächsische Bingo-Umweltstiftung = NBU) supports environment and nature protection projects as well as projects in the field of international development aid and preservation of monuments. The foundation is financed by lottery winnings, in particular the Bingo Environment Lottery. Please find further information here:
Niedersächsische Bingo-Umweltstiftung fördert Hygiene in Ghana
The Lower Saxony Bingo Environment Foundation will support a project of School forests for West Africa e.V. with 3860 Euros. The association located in the German town Göttingen will use the donation for the improvement of hygienic conditions in six schools in Agona Nyakrom.
Five schools will be provided with 48 "Veronica Buckets" so that hand washing with running water will become easier for students and teachers. The "Veronica Buckets" are an innovation invented and developed by the biologist Veronica Bekoe: It is a bucket with a tap on a simple wooden rack from which water is flowing into a bowl. In another school, a collection bin and a pipe should be installed on the toilet. The steps taken to bring the hygienic conditions forward should be an improvement for 1500 students.
The Lower Saxony Bingo Environment Foundation (German name: Niedersächsische Bingo-Umweltstiftung = NBU) supports environment and nature protection projects as well as projects in the field of international development aid and preservation of monuments. The foundation is financed by lottery winnings, in particular the Bingo Environment Lottery. Please find further information here:
Sam Essiamah erhält Ehrenamtspreis / Sam Essiamah awarded
Sam Essiamah was awarded by the Lower Saxony Bingo Environment Foundation (NBU) for his lifelong commitment to environment protection and education. The Lower Saxony Environment Minister, Stefan Wenzel, and the Executive Board Chair, Sigrid Rakow, handed over the prize which is a journey voucher and a donation for Schulwälder e.V. "Sam Essiamah tries to make pupils become interested in nature and environment protection and the use of renewable envergy" explains Rakow the decision.
German press reports:
Photo: Christa Loose

Erfolgreiches Event: Umweltkonferenz in Agona Swedru / Successful Event: Environment Awareness Day in Agona Swedru
Allen Spenderinnen und Spendern danken wir für die Unterstützung!
Thank you to those who supported us!
Einige Bilder: / Some pictures:
ICT-Buch veröffentlicht / ICT book launched
Copies can be ordered: or
Sponsoren gesucht für unsere Umweltkonferenz in Ghana
Sponsoring needed for our Environment Awareness Day in Ghana
Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte diesem Dokument:
Please find further information in this document:
Rückblick auf die Aktion "Miteinander Füreinander" / Public Event in Göttingen "Miteinander Füreinander"
We are very happy and grateful for all the interest in our projects and the support we received at the last fund-raising event “Miteinander Füreinander” at KaufPark Göttingen!
Together with three volunteers, Sunguk and Hyojeong from Korea and Pia (volunteer in Ghana 2015/16), Dr. Sam Essiamah provided information about our tree planting and solar lamp projects as well as sold wonderful products from Ghana! We are very thankful for the great assistance!
We are already now looking forward to the next event in November!
***News from Nyakrom***
There is now a signboard in front of the tree nursery project, indicating all partners. Apart from this, the work is going on very well: 8000 seedlings have been bred so far, 6000 of them had been distributed to schools.
Errichten einer Baumschule in Ghana / Building a tree nursery
An important step in achieving our goal to sustainably plant trees on school compounds in Ghana is made – together with the Niedersächsische Bingo-Umweltstiftung und Rapunzel Naturkost, our partner in Ghana, the “Youth and Environmental Club”, was able to establish a tree nursery in Nyakrom!
It is of pivotal importance to us to include children in our projects, since as they are our future, it is crucial to teach children about the environment and climate. Only with children we will be able to create sustainable nature conservation schemes. In our work, we do not use any herbicides, pesticides or similar to avoid further contamination of the soil and water. We hope that after two years the tree nursery will be financially independent by selling fruits as well as fruit and decorative trees, and will be able to continue providing free seedlings to surrounding schools. The help of volunteers, however, will always be highly appreciated.
Unterstützung für das Solarlampen-Projekt / Support for the solar lamps project
The solar lamp project received a generous 24.340 Euro donation from the Niedersächsische Bingo-Umweltstiftung! We are very grateful for their support and the trust set in us and the solar lamp project!
Teaching material and 750 solar lamps will be distributed among 25 schools in Ghana (Agona Nyakrom, Central Region). The local “Youth and Environmental Club” supervises the project and will also implement a tree planting project. Thirty dedicated students from each school will plant four trees and take care of them for six months. They will be rewarded with free solar lamps, thereby the students will gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills in tree planting and sustainability.
Since the current electric power network does not ensure permanent power supply people depend on alternatives. Solar lamps provide safe and clean light and can replace the traditionally used petroleum or battery-powered lamps or candles, which will also save money. The solar lamps will enable families to organize their evenings more productively and children can do their homework and study in clean light. Thus, the solar lamp project combines sustainable management and conservation.
Danke! Thank you!
ERPA Systems GmbH has supported our projects at School Forests for West Africa e.V. since 2010! We are very grateful for this fruitful collaboration!
Read more about our projects here:
Naturschutzwoche für Kinder / Nature conservation week for children
During the „Nature conservation week for children“ about 5000 children had the opportunity to learn about nature and conservation in a playful and hands-on manner. Organized by the Natur-Netz Niedersachsen e. V. and 56 other environmental organizations children were able to take part in 82 different activities including building a nesting box, preparing fresh apple juice, planting trees and helping to protect honey and wild bees! Naturally, we contributed as well! Among others, the head of our association “School Forests for West Africa” Dr. Sam Essiamah met with second-year students at the “Primary School am Sonnenbrink”. The students discussed the ecosystem rain forest and planted a ginkgo tree. At the same time a tree planting event took also place at the Ghanaian partner school “Breman Esiam Roman Catholic Primary School”, where students planted a mahogany and teak tree. Already since 2006 the “Primary School am Sonnenbrink” supports tree planting activities in Ghana and helped in establishing a school forest there!